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Put A Halt On The Effects Of Againg

Put A Halt On The Effects Of Againg

You have always been active. You have worked for forty years. You are about to retire. Everyone asks you: “But what will you do with all your time?” Be assured, this will not be a problem. Here are tips on how to stay active, healthy and contribute to society in your older years.

Thinning hair is quite common with aging. It can happen due to medications, hereditary conditions, menopause or illness. Thinning hair can be an irritating thing to deal with and you may talk to your doctor about your options. There are many hair extensions on the market today which will hide the problem without the use of old fashioned wigs.

If you do not feel up to a high intensity workout, there are still plenty of low-impact exercises that can keep you fit as you age. For example, walking and swimming are just two popular and easily accessible exercise types that give you a full-body workout without wearing you out.

It might be harder as you age to take care of things as you used to. Now is the time to simplify. This could be as easy as cleaning out a drawer or even a closet. Once you have seen that you can reduce the clutter, and get rid of things that don’t serve a purpose any longer, you can then move on to other parts of your life that need simplification.

Stay away from harsh products to reduce the signs of aging. If you are shopping for beauty products, it is very important to use natural products. These will help to maintain the shine that you desire and reduce irritation and blemishes.

Use anti-aging products. The benefit of using an anti-aging firming cream is that the smoothness results are usually immediate. One application (preferably overnight) and by the next morning, your skin will have an enhanced glow. Shop around for a firming cream that is specific to your skin type and anti-aging needs. For example, if you have sagging skin, wrinkles and puffy eyes, look for an anti-aging product that has combination benefits meaning it firms up skin, reduces wrinkles and puffiness.

Use olive oil and remember fat does not equal bad. Oils have gotten a bad rap in the past few decades but oils are essential to our health. The trick is to stay away from “fake” fats like trans fats. The use of olive oil has many heart healthy benefits so don’t shy away from using it. Try making your own salad vinaigrette’s of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

As you grow older, many hear the reminders of how important it is to eat healthy everyday; a treat once in a while can bring a smile to your face. Don’t you just love to eat your favorite food? Maybe chocolate chip cookies are your pick? Bake up a batch and enjoy them with a friend or family member. Enjoy the companionship of someone you love with something you enjoy!

Now you have heard tips on what to do in your later years. Look for what truly suits you. You worked for other people all your life. Now you have a new range of choices. Whether it is as a volunteer helping others or launching a new career, your life experiences qualify you to forge ahead and meet new challenges.

About Holistics Voice

We are a community of people committed to things like yoga and meditation, healthy diets, organic skin and hair care, maintaining wellness, herbal remedies, sexual wellness, life coaching, life time physical fitness, organic supplements, holistic health healing remedies, alternative medical practitioners and venues and organizations who support them.


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