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Irritable Bowel

Irritable Bowel

Some Things You Need to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome often comes with a stigma. Although it is a natural process of the body, people are sort of squeamish about any type of syndrome that involves the bowels. This is probably the reason why people with irritable bowel syndrome rarely go to consult a physician. Some would just prefer to go online and try to solve their problems by consulting anonymously with other people.

This can be an effective method for dealing with some of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However, it is highly recommended that people with this illness should consult a physician in order to ensure their proper treatment.

What are the causes of irritable bowel syndrome? Technically, the causes of irritable bowel syndrome are still unknown. Irritable bowel syndrome is considered as a functional disorder. This means that although there is nothing wrong with the physiology of your intestine, it does not function the way it is supposed to.

Although it has no known causes, the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be triggered by different factors.

One of the main factors that trigger irritable bowel syndrome is stress. It is often said that irritable bowel syndrome is a psychosomatic disease. This means that the mind has a lot to do with how the syndrome affects the body. The connection between stress and digestion is no mystery to people with heartburn or hyperacidity. Stress often causes an overproduction peptic acid in the stomach. This is the reason why people under severe stress at work such as executives often develop hyperacidity.

Practically the same thing happens with irritable bowel syndrome. Stress triggers a chemical reaction within the digestive system. This, of course, can trigger symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

Another factor that affects the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is food. Different types of food can have varying effects on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Some could be beneficial and could help relieve the symptoms of the illness. Others can only make the symptoms much worse.

People with irritable bowel syndrome can classify food into three different categories:

1) It doesn’t affect the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

2) It triggers symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

3) Unsure (Sometimes it benefits, but sometimes it triggers symptoms)
It is important to consult with an expert in order to find out which foods you can consume without worrying. An expert can help you pick out which foods would be beneficial to your case of irritable bowel syndrome.

There are various types of treatments of irritable bowel syndrome. One treatment, as implied earlier is adhering to a diet. There are also medicines available today that could reduce the symptoms experienced by a person with this illness.

Another type of treatment that people turn to is alternative healing. People who want to relieve the different symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome often turn to alternative types of medicine because they may feel that it is more effective than common medicines used today. An example of alternative medicine is acupuncture. People who want to relieve the abdominal pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome often turn to acupuncture to relieve the pain. This is because acupuncture triggers certain nerves in order to numb some types of pain in the body. It also clears the passage of Qi through your body and promotes a balance of your energy.

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