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Antioxidant An antioxidant is a chemical that reduces the rate of particular oxidation reactions in a specific context, where oxidation reactions are chemical reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from a substance to an oxidising agent. Antioxidants are particularly…

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The New Constant

The New Constant There used to be a famous saying about the only things constant in this world are death and taxes. Maybe, that idea became well-known during the time when work and academic demands were still relatively uncomplicated. At…

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The Green Food Supplement Alfalfa

The Green Food Supplement Alfalfa The health benefits of alfalfa are largely unsupported scientifically, although there is plenty of anecdotal enthusiasm for it. Alfalfa is highly nutritious, containing approximately 16% protein, and 8% of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and…

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Enema

Your Friendly Neighborhood Enema The enema was originally conceived as a sort of medical procedure, though one that was not entirely pleasant to undergo. Digestive discomfort and constipation were the primary problems that the procedure was designed to deal with,…

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